Use this as a cheat sheet to calculate your protein intake. This is an estimated amount of protein that serves as a quick reference.
How To Track Your Menstrual Cycle In Perimenopause
Around age 40, women’s menstrual cycles typically become less consistent. One important change is that an egg may not be released every month, which impacts the production of hormones, including estrogen and progesterone.
Initially, changes in perimenopause tend to be subtle, so tracking your cycle can be very helpful to notice and understand what is happening with your hormones and your cycle, as these will have an impact on how you feel.
What to Expect in a Brainspotting Session
Brainspotting is a valuable tool used to clear unprocessed trauma, coping mechanisms that are no longer serving us, automatic thoughts and behaviours, anxiety, blocks in performance and creativity (professional, artistic, athletic and in daily life), and create new habits and get back to lost parts of ourselves. The following paragraphs will give you an idea of what happens in a Brainspotting session.
What Is Brainspotting
Are You Eating Enough Fibre?
Diet Diary Template / Base pour journal alimentaire
Dietary Strategies for Blood Sugar Balancing
How to Avoid Gluten
The Low FODMAP diet (which stands for fermented oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) removes undigestible sugars from the diet, that when eaten in excess or when the digestive symptom is hypersensitive, will cause gas build-up, water to move into the bowel and as a result and symptoms such as pain, bloating and diarrhea.