Seed Cycling Protocol for Hormone Balancing

The Seed Cycling Protocol can help to re-balance the hormones involved in your cycle: estrogen and progesterone. An imbalance in hormones can produce PMS symptoms, acne, menstrual cramps, etc. Levels of estrogen are increased during the 1st phase, and then decline in the 2nd phase, where the progesterone levels are increased. Seeds contain various amounts of lignans and essential fatty acids. Lignans help to bind the excess amounts of hormones that are produced. Essential fatty acids help with hormone production.

Follicular phase days 1-14 (or until ovulation):

1 tbsp each of freshly ground raw flax and pumpkin seeds

Luteal Phase (ovulation-menses day 15-30 depending on cycle)

1 tbsp each of ground raw sunflower and sesame seeds

All of the seeds can be ground and mixed into overnight oats, or oatmeal, in a smoothie, or put on top of a salad.

*The flax especially should be purchased as a whole seed, and ground as you use it because the ground form is easier to digest. Whole flaxseed may pass through your intestine undigested, which means you won't get all the benefits. If you buy already ground flaxseed, keep it stored in the freezer to preserve the oil from the seed.