
Neurotransmitters and addictions

Neurotransmitters and addictions

Addictions are very prevalent in our society, and some of those addictions severely punished, while others are totally socially acceptable or even praised. An addiction can be to a substance, thing, or activity. This could be a drug, alcohol, nicotine, shopping, gambling, sex, work, food, control, adrenaline, etc.

Manage Anxiety Naturally

Manage Anxiety Naturally

Working through anxiety does take courage and commitment. Facing anxiety provoking situations is not easy. As a person with anxiety, I try to push myself to face these situations. When I get up face to face with the situation, I always wonder it seemed like such a great idea at the time, think of not showing up, and then talk myself into just doing it anyways. It’s not easy, but so far, I’ve always come out alive! There are a few things I find very helpful in managing anxiety, and even taking it away completely.

4 Ways to Add ‘Calm’ to Your Days

4 Ways to Add ‘Calm’ to Your Days

Is ‘overwhelm’ a common feeling in your days? Do you feel like you hardly ever get any down time to recharge your battery? Do you feel like you're tired but wired all the time? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, firstly, you’re not alone, and secondly, you are most likely suffering the effects of chronic stress.